Results for 'Ramon Alcoberro I. Pericay'

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  1.  19
    El jueu i la trista figura.Ramon Alcoberro I. Pericay - 1984 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 9:75-78.
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    L'utilitarisme.Ramon Alcoberro I. Pericay (ed.) - 1988 - Barcelona: UOC.
    L'utilitarisme té com a criteri bàsic aconseguir el màxim bé per al màxim nombre possible de persones. L'utilitarisme dóna molta importància a la recerca de la felicitat personal. Aquest llibre en descriu les tesis bàsiques i respon a les principals acusacions que ha rebut.
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    Introducción a Platón.Ramon Alcoberro I. Pericay - 2022 - Barcelona: Gredos.
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    Nietzsche: voluntat de no veritat.Ramon Alcoberro I. Pericay - 2022 - Sabadell, Catalunya: Edicions Enoanda.
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    Schopenhauer avui: conferències a l'Ateneu Barcelonès en el 150è aniversari de la mort d'Arthur Schopenhauer.Ramon Alcoberro I. Pericay, Gonzalo Mayos Solsona, Mateu Cabot & Arthur Schopenhauer (eds.) - 2011 - Barcelona: La Busca Edicions.
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    Cogitare aude: miscel·lània d'homenatge a Josep-Maria Terricabras.Ramon Alcoberro I. Pericay (ed.) - 2016 - Girona: Documenta Universitaria.
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    CONDORCET. La història com a ciència de la raò.Ramon Alcoberro I. Pericay - 1985 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 11:83-87.
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    XIRAU, Ramon. Graons.Ramon Alcoberro I. Pericay - 1984 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 10:202-205.
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    El valor de la ciencia.Ramon Alcoberro I. Pericay & Salvador López (eds.) - 2001 - [Barcelona]: Viejo Topo.
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    Filòsofs a cel obert: Liceu Maragall de Filosofia.Ramon Alcoberro I. Pericay (ed.) - 2009 - Barcelona: La Busca Ediciones.
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    Popper/Kuhn: ecos de un debate.Ramon Alcoberro I. Pericay & Salvador López (eds.) - 2003 - [Barcelona?]: Montesinos.
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    La filosofia de la Il·lustració.Ramon Alcoberro I. Pericay - 1992 - Barcelona: Barcanova.
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    El racionalisme cartesià.Ramon Alcoberro I. Pericay - 2008 - Barcelona: Editorial UOC.
    Ser modern és ser racionalista. Aquest llibre repassa amb detall les tesis de Descartes, la seva relació amb els contemporanis i les conseqüències de les seves teories.
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    Filosofia i política, ara: cicle de conferències Ateneu Barcelonès.Lluís Alegret & Ramon Alcoberro I. Pericay (eds.) - 2004 - Barcelona: La Busca.
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    Ramon XIRAU, Graons.Ramon Alcoberro - 1984 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 10:202.
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    FRÉDERIC II, roi de Prusse, Oeuvres philosophiques. Corpus des oeuvres de philosophie en langue française.Ramon Alcoberro - 1987 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 13:158.
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    The Jew and the sad figure.Ramon Alcoberro - 1984 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 9:75.
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  18. Històries de la filosofia Barcelona: La Busca Edicions, 180 p.Ramon Alcoberro - 2010 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 44:113-140.
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    CONDORCET, La Història com a ciència de la raó.Ramon Alcoberro - 1985 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 11:83.
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  20. Ramon Llull i el lul·lisme.Jordi Rubió I. Balaguer - 1985 - [Montserrat]: Abadia de Montserrat.
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  21. Nuevas tendencias en la teoría de modelos de lenguajes naturales.Ramón I. Jansana & Jd Quesada - 1985 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 15 (1-2):185-211.
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    Que lo hermoso sea poderoso: sobre ecología, educación y desarrollo.Ramon Folch I. Guillèn - 1990 - Barcelona: Alta Fulla.
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    Compression as a Universal Principle of Animal Behavior.Ramon Ferrer‐I.‐Cancho, Antoni Hernández‐Fernández, David Lusseau, Govindasamy Agoramoorthy, Minna J. Hsu & Stuart Semple - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (8):1565-1578.
    A key aim in biology and psychology is to identify fundamental principles underpinning the behavior of animals, including humans. Analyses of human language and the behavior of a range of non-human animal species have provided evidence for a common pattern underlying diverse behavioral phenomena: Words follow Zipf's law of brevity (the tendency of more frequently used words to be shorter), and conformity to this general pattern has been seen in the behavior of a number of other animals. It has been (...)
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    The challenges of statistical patterns of language: The case of Menzerath's law in genomes.Ramon Ferrer-I.-Cancho, Núria Forns, Antoni Hernández-Fernández, Gemma Bel-Enguix & Jaume Baixeries - 2013 - Complexity 18 (3):11-17.
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    The self-organization of genomes.Ramon Ferrer-I.-Cancho & Núria Forns - 2010 - Complexity 15 (5):NA-NA.
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    The challenges of statistical patterns of language: The case of Menzerath's law in genomes.Ramon Ferrer‐I.‐Cancho, Núria Forns, Antoni Hernández‐Fernández, Gemma Bel‐Enguix & Jaume Baixeries - 2013 - Complexity 18 (3):11-17.
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    Efficient coding in dolphin surface behavioral patterns.Ramon Ferrer-I.-Cancho & David Lusseau - 2009 - Complexity 14 (5):23-25.
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    Efficient coding in dolphin surface behavioral patterns.Ramon Ferrer‐I.‐Cancho & David Lusseau - 2009 - Complexity 14 (5):23-25.
  29. La substancialidad de los compuestos.Maria Ramon Cubells I. Bartolomé - 2010 - In Manuel Sánchez Rodríguez & Sergio Rodero Cilleros, Leibniz en la filosofía y la ciencia modernas. Granada: Comares.
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    Compression as a Universal Principle of Animal Behavior.Ramon Ferrer-I.-Cancho, Antoni Hernández-Fernández, David Lusseau, Govindasamy Agoramoorthy, Minna J. Hsu & Stuart Semple - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (8):1565-1578.
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    Compression and the origins of Zipf's law for word frequencies.Ramon Ferrer-I.-Cancho - 2016 - Complexity 21 (S2):409-411.
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  32. Lectura creyente de la realidad. Un método teológico.Ramon Prat I. Pons - 2001 - Verdad y Vida 59 (232):485-504.
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    The Advent and Fall of a Vocabulary Learning Bias from Communicative Efficiency.David Carrera-Casado & Ramon Ferrer-I.-Cancho - 2021 - Biosemiotics 14 (2):345-375.
    Biosemiosis is a process of choice-making between simultaneously alternative options. It is well-known that, when sufficiently young children encounter a new word, they tend to interpret it as pointing to a meaning that does not have a word yet in their lexicon rather than to a meaning that already has a word attached. In previous research, the strategy was shown to be optimal from an information theoretic standpoint. In that framework, interpretation is hypothesized to be driven by the minimization of (...)
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    Crossings as a side effect of dependency lengths.Ramon Ferrer-I.-Cancho & Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez - 2016 - Complexity 21 (S2):320-328.
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    Ramon ALCOBERRO, La filosofia de la Il·lustració. Jean LE ROND D'ALAMBERT, Discurs preliminar de L'Enciclopèdia,.Mercè Rius - 1993 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 20:111.
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    Ramon ALCOBERRO, El desordre cívic.Alfred Badia - 1985 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 12:103.
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  37. 320 xlvi.Johannis de, Ramon Garcia de, Juan A. Casaubon, Victorino Rodriguez, S. Gersh, Giuseppe Abba, Carlos I. Massini Correas, Josef Pieper, Jurgen Habermas & Jacobus Ramirez - 1991 - Sapientia 180:320.
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  38. Networks in Cognitive Science.Andrea Baronchelli, Ramon Ferrer-I.-Cancho, Romualdo Pastor-Satorras, Nick Chater & Morten H. Christiansen - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (7):348-360.
  39. El «Liber super Psalmum Quicumque» de Ramon Llull i l'opció pels tàrtars.Albert Soler I. Llopart - 1992 - Studia Lulliana 32 (86):3-19.
  40. Keynote Lectures.Daniel Ariztegui, Antony R. Berger, Luis Alberto Borrero, Enrique H. Bucher, Pedro Depetris, Martin Grosjean, Ramon Julià, Nizamettin Kazancı, Suzanne Leroy & Patricio I. Moreno - forthcoming - Laguna.
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  41. La mort de Ramon Lull, de Salvador Galmés i Sanxo. Nota introductoria i transcripcio.P. Rossello I. Bover - 1990 - Studia Lulliana 30 (82):43-56.
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  42. El uso de razón en Francisco de Vitoria (I).Ramón Hernández Martín - 2009 - Ciencia Tomista 136 (438):53-82.
    Establecido lo que es el uso de razón, estudia ahora el momento en que el hombre llega a él y la obligación de orientar entonces su vida al bien con el deseo o propósito de llevarlo a la práctica. En los que han crecido y se han educado en un ambiente de fe en Dios como máximo bien, su obligación moral es ordenarse a Él y proponerse actuar conforme a sus mandamientos. En los que han nacido y vivido en ambientes (...)
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  43. Culte a Ramon Llull: discòrdies i controvèrsies.Miquel Ferrer I. Florez - 2001 - Studia Lulliana 41 (97):65-89.
  44. AI as an Epistemic Technology.Ramón Alvarado - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (5):1-30.
    In this paper I argue that Artificial Intelligence and the many data science methods associated with it, such as machine learning and large language models, are first and foremost epistemic technologies. In order to establish this claim, I first argue that epistemic technologies can be conceptually and practically distinguished from other technologies in virtue of what they are designed for, what they do and how they do it. I then proceed to show that unlike other kinds of technology (_including_ other (...)
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    Ramon Llull i el lul·lisme.Miguel Batllori & Euláalia Duran - 1993 - València: E. Climent. Edited by Eulàlia Duran.
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    Capitan Juan De Salcedo I.Ramón Ma Zaragoza - 2004 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 8 (3):8-31.
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  47. El I Congreso argentino de filosofía.Ramón Ceñal - 1949 - Pensamiento 5 (19):333-348.
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    Objectivism, Relativism, and Subjectivism in Ethics.Ramon M. Lemos - 1965 - International Philosophical Quarterly 5 (1):56-65.
    The relativist contends that one has a duty to do something if and only if one's society holds that one does. The subjectivist maintains that one has a duty to do something if and only if one believes that one does. The objectivist argues that men have objective duties which are sometimes independent of what either they or their societies believe they are. My object is to indicate what seem to be some obvious, Yet fatal, Objections to relativism and subjectivism, (...)
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  49. La inquisició i Ramon Llull.Eufemià Fort I. Cogul - 1972 - Barcelona,: R. Dalmau.
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    The Preferences of al-Kisāʾī : Grammar and Meaning in a Canonical Reading of the Qur’an.Ramon Harvey - 2016 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 29 (2):313-332.
    The Qur’an has been transmitted as both a written text and an oral recital. This has led to the development of a reading tradition that permits numerous different vocalisations to be made upon the basic skeletal text of the established ʿUthmānī codex. Ibn al-Jazarī chose ten early readers whom he felt were most representative of this tradition and whose readings are treated as canonical up until this day. One of these, the Kufan linguist al-Kisāʾī has been characterised in the literature (...)
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